Year in review – 2023 Highlights
It’s been an incredible year of growth and learning for JTPM.
We’ve achieved so much, delivering more than 77 meaningful events across 3 countries and 4 States and Territories, including a wide variety of in-person, virtual and hybrid conferences, gala dinners, forums, summits, showcases, exhibitions, awards nights, hack-a-thons, boat tours and even on epic Global 48-hour event!
In addition to al the glowing testimonials from clients, and their guests, our work was also recognised with 4 business awards. But we don’t just do it for the praise and accolades…
Making an impact on our local and global community, by creating exceptional event experiences and fosters better connections and conversations about important topics like climate change and health, is something we are deeply committed to and proud of.
And we’re so happy to announce that we’ve also enabled 50 young people to continue their education and follow their dreams, through our pro-bono partnership with Western Chances!
To help us reflect and celebrate the year, we asked the team to share their most memorable events of the year, and tell us why:
Northern Business Achievement Awards (NBAA)
Various venues around Melbourne’s Northern region, 7 March, 6 June, 5 September, 5 December.
“I enjoyed leading these business events for NORTHLink, it’s given me so much confidence in my ability to plan events.” – Angeline, Event Officer
More info: https://northlink.org.au/nbaa/
New Metrics for Success – Seminars
Woodward Conference Centre and Online, 20 – 21 March, 1 – 2 June, 28 – 29 August, 9 – 10 November
“I love working on New Metrics because of the important conversations they have around youth education is making a huge impact on future generation. They have made immense progress since I’ve been on the porject, and I can’t wait to see where they go next.” – Opal, Event Coordinator
More info: www.jtproductions.com.au/new-metrics-2023
NAIDOC Week – State Reception
Parliament House Melbourne, 5 July
“I enjoyed meeting members of the Victorian First Nations community and celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and culture.” – Georgia, Event Manager
More info: www.firstpeoplesrelations.vic.gov.au/victorian-naidoc-week
Macedon Ranges Community Choice Award
Macedon Ranges region, January – June
“It’s a celebration of local businesses with Macedon Ranges Shire Council rewarding those who are voted by the commiunity to be the best in business for 2023.” – Victoria, Event Officer
More info: www.mrsc.vic.gov.au/Live-Work/Business-Economy/Business-News-Events/Business-Excellence-Awards
Climate Futures Summit
Melbourne Connect and Online, 10 October
“This was my second time involved in this event it was an incredible opportunity to make things even better than last year. The mission of the event is so important and impactful, and the client team are amazing to work with.” – Melanie, Event Officer
More info: www.unimelb.edu.au/climate/collaboration/climate-futures-summit
Innovate4Cities Global Marketplace
Online and worldwide, 10 – 12 October
“It’s the global reach of cities, local governments and their partners in tackling climate action research and innovation.” – Emily, Event Director
More info: www.innovate4cities.org/globalmarketplace
Good Business Forum
Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre, 27 October
“Good Business Forum was a highlight due to the impact we had at the event, but also the fundraising goal was record-breaking for Western Chances, which means more young people will be provided opportunities that will change their lives.” – Opal, Event Coordinator
More info: www.westernchances.org.au/events
Gathering of Kindness
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Melbourne, 29 October
“The inspiring speakers, guests, Foundation and event key stakeholders made working on the project particularly memorable, almost effortless and vastly enjoyable. This along with the Hush Foundation’s purpose having a direct link to me and my famuly personally made this event my favourite of 2023 and one I won’t soon forget.” – Lisa, Event Manager
More info: www.gatheringofkindness.org
National Multicultural Health and Wellbeing Conference (NMHWC)
Sheraton Grand Hyde Park Sydney, 21 – 22 November
“This event highlighted some serious challenges that multicultural community faces every day. It was fantastic to see so many people come together to brainstorm ways in which we can close this gap.” – Chloe, Event Manager
“I got to exercise many creative ideas.” – Michelle, Event Officer
“It’s a brand new, major conference that we got to produce for our client. Seeing the idea come from inception to reality and impact we made was incredible.” – Julia, Director
“The mission behin the conference was really inspiring, and I was grateful to be part of the team that helped foster the environment for the conversations and developments that happened.” – Georjie, Event Officer.
More info: www.multiculturalhealthconference.org.au
These are just a taste of the wide range of events we’ve produced this year.
Of course, none of it would be possible without our wonderful clients, partners, supporters and of course our dedicated, passionate and talented staff. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank each and every one of you for all your hard work and continued support!
We have big plans for 2024, as we enter our second decade in business – so stay tuned…