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5 top tips for event planning in 2024


As we prepare for another busy year, we asked our expert event team to share their top tips that will help make planning and delivering professional events as successful and stress free as possible in 2024.

Here’s our top five:

1. Purpose-led event design:

Identifying and understanding your purpose is essential to create a successful event that will meet KPIs and provide inspiration for everyone involved. The event purpose is not the ‘theme’ – it’s the overarching goal or the bigger picture. Ask ‘why?’ are you holding the event and what measurable outcomes you would like to see?

JTPM’s mission is to make a positive contribution through the delivery of professional events. Each of our events are designed to spark joy, connect people, start important conversations and create lasting impact and change in our community. By working with clients whose values and goals align, our event foster inclusion, diversity, equality and accessibility – giving us a clear purpose and motivation.

“Remember your key purpose and objectives to ensure all of your decisions and event design aligns to the why?” – Julia, Founder and Director

“Always keep the purpose of your event in the front on your mind.” – Emily, Event Director

2. Confirm the venue and program:

It goes without saying that working in event production requires some epic organisational and project management skills. How else would we keep track of the hundreds of different elements for not only one, but multiple events – sometimes on the same day!

However, no amount of planning and excel spreadsheet prowess can help you if you don’t book your venue and confirm your run sheet or program. So much of the process relies on these two essential items, so get them sorted before even thinking about fun and creative details like the themes, décor, entertainment, catering etc.

“Secure your venue and lock in your program early! This makes for a smooth and organised process for everyone in the lead up to your event.” – Chloe, Event Manager

3. Clear communication:

Good communication skills are also important for event producers and managers to have. Regular, open and honest communication between all parties will provide peace of mind by setting clear expectations and making sure everyone understands their specific role and responsibility. It also builds trust and understanding.

At JTPM, we assign at least two event staff to every project so there is always someone available to answer questions, discuss any ideas or concerns, and quickly respond to any challenges that come up. As the event date draws near, internal and client meetings are held fortnightly, weekly and as often as needed. And we share detailed run sheets and event plans with everyone to make sure we’re all on the same page.

“Openness, teamwork and keeping clear priorities front of mind really do keep you and the project healthy and on track.” – Lisa, Event Manager

“Clear communication with the team.” – Michelle, Event Officer

4. Consider all stakeholders:

Event attendees are not the only people who should have a good time. Providing a positive and memorable event experience behind the scenes is just as important!

Relationship management is a part of event production that’s often overlooked but essential if you want to build a good reputation and work with suppliers, venues and clients more than once. Take the time to ask and consider the needs of everyone involved before, during and after the event.

“Think about the journey and experience for everyone involved; speakers, suppliers, attendees, client, event staff/volunteers, and ensure everyone has what they need for a smooth and enjoyable event.” – Georgia, Event Manager

“Make sure every party involved in your event is on the same page throughout the entire process.”
– Georjie, Event Officer

5. Prioritise your wellbeing:

Working in events is known to be one of the most stressful jobs (rivalled by doctors, police and ambulance officers) with recurring and often shifting deadlines and high stakes (we only get one shot to make it great!) – so looking after our health and wellbeing is essential to avoid burn out.

We’ve introduced a number of initiatives at JTPM to help balance our work and rest time, including regular social gatherings, morning yoga sessions and ‘cuppa connections’ – where we chill out with a cup of fresh brewed tea every Wednesday afternoon.

How will you look after your and your team’s Wellbeing this year?

“Creating a routine and safe environment for your physical and mental health is so important to ensure you can handle any changes and challenges that may come your way during the planning process” – Opal, Event Coordinator

Need professional support and advice to help plan and deliver your upcoming event?

Contact us to book an event design consultation today!

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