The rise of video production for events
It’s not the first thing that comes to mind when planning an event, but the growing volume of video production work we have undertaken in the past two years indicates that it’s a fast-growing area for the meetings and events industry. In fact, we’ve had so much video work in recent months that we’ve officially welcomed Justin, our video production guru, to the JT family full-time!!
Back in 2020, an increase in video content was a natural result and reaction of being stuck in lockdown and needing to communicate or entertain through online events and platforms, but even as we open up and return to event-life as normal, we continue to be inundated with requests for pre-recorded content to be used across in-person, online and hybrid events alike.
Why is video content important and essential?
People digest information in a variety of ways. According to learning research and theory, there are four main learning styles – visual, reading and writing, auditory (sound) and kinaesthetic. There is often a tendency for someone to do better with one of these styles over the others.
Every individual is unique and will have his or her preferred way of learning that enables them to take in, understand and process information better, as well as create a stronger emotional connection. Visual learners, for example, find it easier to retain information and stay focussed when it’s being presented as images or graphics, including charts and diagrams.
In-person events will always be powerful due to the physical proximity of all the action, but if there are not enough visual cues and supports in place, some people may still find themselves feeling disconnected or disinterested. Traditional in-person events have mostly catered for kinaesthetic and auditory learners but thanks to the pandemic, we have finally come to see that video and visual content has an important and beneficial role to play too
What kind of videos can we produce?
Here’s five examples of video content we’ve been creating lately:
- Speeches and announcements – particularly useful if your main speaker/s are located interstate, overseas or cannot attend an event.
- Testimonials and endorsements – include special guest appearances or messages from ambassadors, well-known personalities and even celebrities without having to fly in them in!
- Storytelling aids and enhancements – including visuals to support your narrative to help keep your audience interested, engaged and connected. We often use live illustrators too!
- Educate and explain – video content can help explain and demonstrate new, unfamiliar or complicated products, concepts and scenarios such as financial or technical information.
- Entertainment and humour – keep things light and fun at your next event by including a customised skit or song performed by a professional comedian or musician. All content can be tailor made for your brand or industry with inside jokes or key words or phrases included.
Three benefits of using video content for events:
- Stay in control: events can be unpredictable but using pre-recorded video content instantly removes an element of risk from your event. With video, you can rest assured that speakers will show up and stay on message – no embarrassing slip ups or surprises. You also have the benefit of editing and can add things like music or special effects to create engaging and entertaining content that is totally within your control.
- Spice things up: mixing up how you deliver your event content will keep things fresh and interesting. We recommend including a balance of passive and participatory segments, as well as in-person to virtual elements to create a dynamic and captivating event. Variety is the spice of life, as they say.
- Content is king: not only will you have a professionally created record of the event, but you can also re-use or share the video content on your website, YouTube or Vimeo channel, in e-newsletters, or across your social media platforms following the event. This is a great way to keep the event vibe alive, by staying connected with your event guests and reaching out to those who were unable to attend via different mediums.
We’re excited about the endless possibilities of video content… Get in touch with us to chat about using video content content for your next meeting or event!